Free Internet

The Free Internet We Want (2): How Internet centralization affects us

October 17, 2021

The Free Internet We Want, is a series of research papers: The Free Internet We Want (1): How the Internet became centralized, and what that means? The Free Internet We Want (2): How Internet centralization affects us The Free Internet We Want (3): What do we mean by “Free Internet”? On this page: Data security […]

The Free Internet We Want (1): How the Internet became centralized, and what that means?

October 10, 2021

The Free Internet We Want, is a series of research papers: The Free Internet We Want (1): How the Internet became centralized, and what that means? The Free Internet We Want (2): How Internet centralization affects us The Free Internet We Want (3): What do we mean by “Free Internet”? On this Page: Centralized and […]

Big Technology Companies and Freedom of Expression | Policy Paper

August 29, 2021

Introduction In the end of last year, specifically, during and in the aftermath of the US presidential elections, big technology companies censorship practices caught a wide and intense attention. This was especially true when Twitter suspended the account of the former president Donald Trump, after his tweets questioned the integrity of the voting process, claiming […]

Blocking Websites in Egypt “Techniques and Laws”

May 24, 2021

  Download PDF Background Previously, “Massar – Technology and Law Community” has issued several publications related to internet censorship and blocking of websites in Egypt, which can be accessed via the following links: A timeline of internet censorship events in Egypt. Blocked websites in Egypt Press and Human Rights Websites Blocked in Egypt Using Sandvine […]

Internet censorship events in Egypt [timeline]

December 14, 2020

This page is updated periodically This timeline provides an overview for the most important Internet censorship events from 2010 to date. It focuses on the measures and decisions taken by the Egyptian authorities to control the Internet or prevent its users from communicating with each other through attempts to block instant messaging applications such as […]

Press and Human Rights Websites Blocked in Egypt Using Sandvine Equipment

October 27, 2020

“Masaar – Technology and Law Community” published a report on 24 October, on the activities of Sandvine; a company whose name has been in circulation in the past years for being active in the field of developing, manufacturing and operating software and equipment used by governments as tools for internet surveillance. Masaar conducted a series […]

Sandvine … the surveillance octopus in the Arab region

October 24, 2020

Introduction Partnership and business agreements between Arab governments and corporates on the one hand, and foreign companies working in the internet and communication surveillance industry (software/hardware) on the other, is currently witnessing an increase in rate and scale. The aim is to manipulate the flow of information, restrain freedom of expression, and control internet and […]

The Egyptian authorities block “Telegram”

October 22, 2020

Technology and Law Community “Masaar” documented the blocking of the Telegram website and application by the Egyptian authorities on 22 October 2020. The authorities blocked Telegram on three of the Internet service networks operating in Egypt. These networks included “We”, “Vodafone” and “Orange”. Masaar learned about the blocking action after complaints from several users of […]

Blocked websites in Egypt

September 23, 2020

Last updated on April 27, 2021 638 The total number of links blocked in Egypt 606 Websites 32 Alternative links Methodology for Monitoring Blocked Websites in Egypt Masaar relied on a set of tools in order to collect measurements for the websites addresses that were pointed out as likely blocked on the Internet censorship page […]